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CCI Kazakhstan

CCI Kazakhstan completes 3rd plant

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CCI Kazakhstan as a Corporate Citizen

Socio-economic Impact Report

Each 1 employee of CCI Kazakhstan generates additional 9.2 employment opportunities in various sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy.  


Corporate Social Responsibility

Waste Collection Projects
Recycled Plastic Benches

The previous winner of the 3.2.1. Start! project; Rocket Plastic, produced benches from recycled plastic as part of the city eco-marathon announced by CCI Kazakhstan. Almost 300 kg of plastic waste was collected thanks to caring citizens, from which 10 benches were produced and donated to the city of Almaty on behalf of the Company. These benches can be seen in the park Gorky in Almaty.

Women Empowerment Project
Female Forklift Operators Program

The project, which aims to encourage women into new careers such as forklift operators, has so far trained and employed 3 female forklift operators. The Female Forklift operators program is aimed towards boosting genderless jobs and is a concrete step for gender equality in the workplace. Under the program, women are trained as female forklift operators with the opportunity to work at CCI Kazakhstan. The applications process has two basic prerequisites, first, women who possess a high school or college degree and second, they just need to have an appetite to learn new skills.

Belesteri Women Empowerment Program

Launched in 2013 to increase female entrepreneurs, The Coca-Cola Belesteri Program provides women entrepreneurs with financial support to open or develop their own business, as well as training and mentoring in entrepreneurship and agriculture. Up until this date, more than 100 businesses have been established and over 50,000 women have been trained and more than 300 job opportunities have been created. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, all courses are conducted online. For more information regarding the program, please visit here.

Youth Empowerment Projects
3.2.1. Start! Project

The 3.2.1 Start! project, which aims to support youth-led solutions for a sustainable future, was once again successfully implemented in CCI Kazakhstan in 2022. The project is aimed towards supporting the youth of the country with the necessary tools to shape a better tomorrow. The main message of the project is “Make Your Contribution” to your country, community, and environment. The priority direction of the initiatives is related to Sustainable Development Goals, with the focus being CCI’s 2030 Sustainability Commitments. The objectives of the project program are to identify the most feasible sustainability agenda for the youth of Kazakhstan, equip the youth with necessary knowledge and help them to build capabilities to run their initiatives while providing financial support financial support to the most promising projects and facilitate their implementation. Since its inception, more than 18,000 individuals have been engaged, with more than 1,000 applications received and processed by the high-profile Selection Committee consisting of independent professionals from business and public sector along with NGOs. In the 7th season of the program, 10 semi-finalists participated and 4 finalists received grants to support their projects. 80% of the funded projects are sustainably operating and alumnus of 3.2.1.Start! continue to grow and develop further to the next level.

CCI Volunteers

Activity Volunteers
World Cleanup Day 2023

On the World Cleanup Day, 125 Volunteers from CCI Kazakhstan, students from the 3.2.1 Start! Project and the Coalition for the Green Economy (G-Global) came together to clean the vicinity of the Yesil River in Astana. Over 300 kg of waste including 72 kg of plastic was collected during the clean-up activity.

World Cleanup Day 2022

As a contribution to World Cleanup Day, a plastic collection competition was held among CCI divisions in Astana, Almaty, and Bereke. As a result of the competition, more than 396 kg of plastic, 522 kg of glass, 25 kg of cardboard and 74 kg of metal waste was collected.


Forest Fires

Our hearts reach out to everyone affected by the Forest Fires in the Abai region, Kazakhstan. CCI continues to support the front-line workers and has donated 3000 liters of beverages and water support.

Career Opportunities

Explore job opportunities to shape your career!

CCI receives prestigious Presidential Award in Kazakhstan
News From Us
CCI Kazakhstan launches 3.2.1 Start Project with the Plastic in Art Exhibition