People First

training provided to
107 employee*
"Women in STEM" training to 60 employee*
*The data is taken from Integrated Annual Report 2023.
Our people are the most important factor for the sustainability of our operations. We are committed to creating a safe and equal working environment through our policies and practices, and to creating a positive impact on every individual in across our value chain.
Human Rights Along the Value Chain
Respecting human rights is a fundamental CCI value. We endeavour to act in accordance with human rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers, business partners and the communities we operate in, and to encourage them to be sensitive on this matter. We are deeply committed to create an inclusive, engaging and fair work environment that respects universal human rights, is open and honest, and values and respects communication.
Human Rights Policy

Respect for human rights is a fundamental value of CCI. We strive to respect and promote human rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers, business partners, and the communities in which we operate. This Policy is guided by international human rights principles encompassed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including those contained within the International Bill of Rights, the International Labor Organization’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
CCI Human Rights Policy covers the following topics:
-Community and Stakeholder Engagement
-Diversity and Inclusion
-Arbitrary Discrimination
-Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
-Safe and Healthy Workplace
-Workplace Security
-Forced Labor
-Child Labor
-Work Hours, Wages, and Benefits
-Land Rights and Water Resources
Human Rights Policy - EnglishHuman Rights Policy - Arabic Human Rights Policy - Azeri Human Rights Policy - Kazakh Human Rights Policy - Kyrgyz Human Rights Policy - Kurdish Human Rights Policy - Russian Human Rights Policy - Tajik Human Rights Policy - Turkish Human Rights Policy - Turkmen Human Rights Policy - Urdu
CCI’m Human

At CCI we are humans and we have rights. We respect human rights.
Ethics Guidelines & Ethics Hotline

Our CCI Ethics Code guides our employees and all stakeholders to live our values and "do the right thing".
Ethics Policy
Supplier Guiding Principles

We require our suppliers to comply with the Supplier Guiding Principles (SGP), which set out the minimum environmental, social, economic and ethical conditions we expect from them, and we conduct audits on their compliance with the SGP.
Occupational Health and Safety
As CCI, we believe that it is our primary responsibility to create a safe and healthy work environment that is beneficial to the motivation, productivity and work performance of our employees while simultaneously improving their work-life balance.
The Hand in Hand Safety Program

Launched in 2016, the Hand in Hand Safety Program is a tool we use to run our business with the goal of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses for our employees, contractors and everyone in our ecosystem, in a way that complies with all regulatory requirements and The Coca-Cola System standards. Whilst standardising and systematising occupational health and safety practices at CCI through the program, we also keep a close eye on international developments and our growing operations.
CCI Care: CCI Wellbeing Programı

We recognize that employee wellbeing is the central pillar in the company's culture. In line with this, we are committed to instilling a "culture of employee wellbeing" in which our employees are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy and resilient in order to unleash more of their potential through the use of the holistic health initiatives. We aim to create this culture by raising awareness and equipping our employees with the tools and techniques they can learn to improve their health.
Diversity and Inclusion
We hold the vision that diversity and inclusion are among the most important elements that enrich us. We seek to create a workplace where our employees are independent within their abilities and differences that define themselves, and to expand this across all our regions. We approach the Diversity and Inclusion in 3 focal points: Intergenerational Diversity, Corporate Culture (Background and Experience) and Gender Equality:
Gender Equality

At CCI, we are committed to have a visible equality, empowerment, and access to resources in all of our employee-related systems, and working towards gender equality.
Intergenerational Diversity

We do our best to ensure that our employees feel valued and can voice their ideas, irrespective of their age, experience or personal and professional influence.
Corporate Culture

At CCI inclusive corporate culture is welcoming diverse views and enabling employees to speak up and work together in a spirit of trust and respect. Being a company representing more than 10 countries, 20 languages and more than 30 nationalities, we believe that CCI's success is closely linked to the uniqueness and diverse backgrounds of each and every employee.
CCI Women's Network

Each country has a locally elected female president and every department is represented by a female member. This diverse representation supports us in ensuring that the voice and needs of all departments are equally represented. We give importance to the fact that employee groups are not regarded as a single department and we believe that change and developments are only possible if they are supported by all employees, irrespective of their gender.